Joy Walker
SPRE Practitioner, School Director

Joy was struck with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis at a young age, and began dealing with her illness through the clinical context of western medicine. Dissatisfied with only this perspective, however, she worked with a SPRe practitioner, and together it became evident that the RA was also a descriptor of aspects of her home of origin, manifested through her body. She approached the RA as a real disease, but pursued treatment through western medicine and self-discovery.
Finding the true attachment between what happened to her, and how caring for the RA was actually a re-caring of herself, was empowering, and allowed her to gain more of herself as well as a greater ease in her body and out in the world. Healing didn't just happen to her but was an engaged, relational process.
Understanding the importance of pursuing the health and recovery of mind and body, and that we are all dynamic and multifaceted individuals, is what makes her uniquely qualified to help clients in their journey of health and self-discovery. She completed the SPRe training in 2018. Joy enjoys working with anyone who wants to explore the purpose of their body’s tension, especially those negotiating a stress-related disease or chronic pain. Working with Joy and the breadth of her familiarity with, and understanding of, the struggles of illness, pain, dysfunction can be a nourishing and transformational experience.
Joy was instrumental in achieving SPRe’s status as a certified somatic education program with the state, and the program’s vocational status with the Workforce Board. She currently serves as the Vocational Director of The Center for Somatic Personal Resonance, in Wallingford.